
Oral And Teeth Care

Oral and Dentistry problems and aesthetic problems caused by teeth can seriously affect people’s lives. Oral and dental health problems can also have an impact on public health. Sometimes, for reasons such as tooth decay that affects deep dental tissue, sometimes trauma damages pulp tissue, which is the deepest tissue of the teeth and contains nerves and vascular packs. If the teeth cannot maintain their vitality for any reason, the nerve tissue in the center of the tooth, i.e. pulp, should be cleaned. This treatment is called alpine therapy, i.e. root canal treatment. Dentists are called dental root specialists. 

Gum disease:
 When it comes to oral health, gums are just as important as teeth. Cases where gum health sometimes deteriorates include minor bleeding of the gums, but sometimes can cause serious problems that can amount to tooth loss. A dental branch that includes the diagnosis and treatment of gum disease includes dentistry, and dentists specializing in the field are called gum pathologists. 

Orthodontics: It is the branch that treats compatibility between the bones of the lower and upper jaw and all teeth that are not properly coordinated on these bones.

Oral And Tooth  Surgery 

Oral, dental, facial and maxillofacial surgery: a branch of dentistry in which soft or solid tissue diseases such as cheek, palate, tongue and lips are treated. Oral, dental, facial and maxillofacial surgery. Deals with the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases such as tooth extraction, damaged teeth, cysts in the jaw and surrounding tissues, jaw tumors and treatment, compensatory surgery, jaw and facial pain, temporal joint disorders, salivary glands.

Dental implants: In the past, only compensatory methods were used to get rid of dental defects. However, prosthetics designed to eliminate tooth failures have caused deficiencies such as reducing and damaging healthy teeth and not being able to provide the necessary comfort in toothless mouths. With the advent of dental implant treatments, dental deficiencies and dental removal can be completely eliminated without these problems.

Dental And Jaw Surgery

Oral and dental health are very essential. In case a defect happens to one of the teeth, it will cause a major imbalance in oral health which leads to permanent pain and tooth decay. Dentistry in general cares about the jaw and the internal tissues of the teeth and treats them by implanting or pulling the nerve and filling the tooth again.

Dental Implants

  • Who needs dental implants?

Dental implants are a popular restorative dentistry option for patients. Tooth loss can occur for many different reasons, including accidents, illness, or tooth extraction. When a tooth is lost, the surrounding teeth may migrate to fill in the gap left by the missing tooth, which in turn will cause the jawbone to deteriorate and this makes the teeth prone to cracking and infection

  • What are the methods of implanting?
Implants are applied in different ways depending on the condition of the patient. In case of missing one tooth or more, one implant is applied for each tooth. On the other hand, if the patient has a complete tooth loss, more than one type of implant is applied depending on the health of the jawbone.
  • What are the implants we use?
  1. Straumann
  2. IML
  3. Bego
  4. Osstem
  • How are implants done, and how long do they take?
The implant is done in two steps. In the event that the patient has a receding bone, the patient will get a bone graft and bone support before the implant is performed. After that the jawbone gets prepared and after taking a panoramic x-ray picture to check the bone’s formation. Then depending on the patient’s condition, implants are done for one, two, or more teeth. During dental implant surgery, a small cut is made and the gum and bone are opened. A specially prepared artificial tooth root is placed on the gums. This process may take 2 to 6 weeks. The patient may want to get temporary teeth during the waiting period. Bone formation is checked by doing a panoramic x-ray of the teeth. Then the preparation of the tooth to be placed on the implant begins. Depending on the patient’s condition, implants are done for one, two or more teeth or for all teeth. This is done after three months or more of getting the implant depending on the case of the patient.


Everything from the way we smile to the way our smile looks has a huge impact on our daily lives. It is the first thing that people notice when they meet and affects the way people perceive each other. It is not surprising that treatments like the Hollywood Smile are becoming well-known. Celebrities have long used this cosmetic dental surgery to enhance the beauty of their smiles.

The Hollywood Smile is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that fixes any smile-related aesthetic issues. The main aim of the operation is to conceal all dental issues from discoloration to chipping and misalignments. The results are long lasting and give you a natural smile look.

Sometimes in our daily life, in our relationships with people, the most important part of us is our face, mouth and smile. For this reason, the mouth and tooth structure of icons like Hollywood actors who owe their life and career to this smile, are admired and taken as an example by people. In aesthetic dentistry, the term “Hollywood Smile” was coined to describe this impressive smile.

Thanks to its popularity, in addition to being popular among dental aesthetic services, it has become a kind of art by bringing a new dimension to classical dentistry. This way, you will not only have a beautiful smile but also a work of art.

“Everything begins with a smile “